Ledl And Crhák—two friends and foundrymen—start out in a 10x10 m garage in Rajhrad. Crhák: “We tried to produce our first furnace for firing ceramic mugs, which very quickly experienced a boom. The furnace. It burst out. In about two hours.” Our first try didn’t work out. But our second furnace held up better. Three weeks this time. Crhák: “We had a few more missteps, but in the end we managed to keep our first real furnace alive for several years. Today we give our furnaces a four-year guarantee.”
Ledl and Crhák found LAC, s.r.o. Their furnaces aren’t exploding as often now. They handle business negotiations at the post office. In this newly capitalist environment, that’s the only place around with a telephone. And there are hour-long lines for it.
Our office and production spaces in Rajhrad are gradually growing. Ledl and Crhák are thinking up new fields we can enter.
We launch production of furnaces and dryers in our Vojkovice production hall. And our production of refractory castable shapes also slowly begins. Why refractory concrete, exactly? Because L and C learned that the market was lacking a product they’d be willing to use in their own furnaces.
Our refractory concrete products soon celebrate great success. It turns out that almost everyone has lacked a refractory concrete they’d be willing to use in their own furnaces! The LAC refractory castable shapes thus fill a hole in the market, and the Vojkovice hall starts to be too small. Because of this, production of our refractory castable shapes moves to a hall in Hrušovany nad Jevišovkou.
Our industrial furnaces and dryers are doing equally well, and thus production of these is moved as well. From Vojkovice to Hrušovany u Brna. The similar names for the towns with our production plants are truly just a coincidence. It wasn’t our plan.
This is one milestone that is not so pleasant to remember. A destructive inferno struck the manufacturing hall in Hrušovany nad Jevišovkou. It devastated the production facilities, the main manufacturing hall, and even the moulds for our shaped blocks. This could have been the end for our refractory concrete production. But thanks to our determination to rise up from the literal ashes, our employees’ hard work, and our customers’ understanding, we stood back up on our feet. We managed to save ourselves by accelerating back to our old production tempo in record time.
Refractory concrete products move to a new production hall. Again in Hrušovany nad Jevišovkou. We purchase the grounds, reconstruct old halls, and build new halls, and in the end we like this space so much that we have stayed there to this day.
This is when we perform our first energy audit at a customer’s facilities. Ever since, we have been testing to ensure that your furnaces do not consume too much energy...
...and saving you money with energy-efficient PTE Mk. II holding furnaces. With this new product, we help our customers reduce costs at a time when everyone is counting every penny. And the development of this furnace helps both us and our customers to survive the financial crisis.
And because L and C have a truly extraordinary love of furnaces, they introduce one for connoisseurs. The workshops of the two Hrušovanys give birth to the Amphora garden ovens, with the best from both plants.
We demolish, build, and reconstruct a new manufacturing hall in Hrušovany nad Jevišovkou. It seems like people just can’t get enough of LAC refractory castable shapes! We set up cooperation with other companies, where we install our largest furnaces, dryers, and whole assembly lines—primarily for the automotive industry. The manufacturing hall in Hrušovany u Brna is now too small for our facilities.
At the International Engineering Fair in Brno, we speak with Czech Television reporters on the Russia financial crisis and its impact on trade with Russia. But this is mainly the year when Comenius awards us a rank on their Czech 100 Best. It’s 97th place, and we’re happy.
Now we’re in 87th place! Once again, we’ve ranked among the 100 best Czech firms, but this time they say we did a little bit better. We’re thankful. We introduce two new laboratory furnaces—the LZ incineration furnace and the LHS furnace for medium-temperature applications up to 1500 °C. And as this year’s big news, we introduce the updated SV Mk. II dryer, with significantly better air circulation and the option for faster custom adjustments.
LAC, s.r.o. Topolová 933 667 01 Židlochovice Czech Republic
+420 547 230 016