Furnace repairs and reconstruction

Reconstruction of the lining late in a furnace’s service life can extend its life by a good number of years. You do not need to buy a new facility right away, which can be fairly financially demanding. We arrange the reconstruction and repair of our own furnaces and the furnaces of other manufacturers. If, however, we have the feeling that reconstructing a furnace would no longer pay off or would be too complicated, we offer you a different, more beneficial solution.


Topolová 933
667 01 Židlochovice
Czech Republic
+420 547 422 619

Servis našich i cizích pecí
Service of our furnaces as well as others
Reakce do 24 h v pracovních dnech
Response within 24 hours
on working days
7 členný tým
7-member team
Preventivní prohlídky
Preventive inspection
319 servisních výjezdů za rok
319 service visits per year

Furnaces and Dryers>

Refractory Castable Shapes>

https://www.lac.cz/en/furnaces-and-dryers/maintenance/furnace-repairs-and-reconstruction | https://www.lac.cz/en/furnaces-and-dryers/maintenance/furnace-repairs-and-reconstruction