LAC, s.r.o. has been a pioneer in the production of refractory concrete fittings for ecological heating systems since the company was founded in 1992. We are proud of almost 30 years of experience and thousands of satisfied clients. Quality fittings combined with environmental friendliness - reduction of operating costs, energy consumption, emissions - are the main goals of our philosophy and the main attributes that determine a successful path to the future of the company. Despite the complications of the last year, the minimum number of opportunities to meet during business meetings, exhibitions and fairs, we are still here for you and we devote even more effort to our mission. This imagevideo LAC - Refractory castable shapes - was created about the skill with which our employees produce the widest and highest-quality assortment on the refractory castable shapes on the market. We invite you to watch it.
Written, Directed and Produced by Hana Jakrlová Cinematography and Editing by Mark Bliss ACK
For 30 years, we have a lot of experience with development and testing of furnaces, and we meet the demanding requirements of our customers. Our products will serve you reliably for many years. Take a look at what we can offer you, and contact us if you need something special.
LAC, s.r.o. Topolová 933 667 01 Židlochovice Czech Republic
+420 547 230 016