Прейскурант на сервисные услуги LAC действителен с 1. 10. 2022

  Price CZK
Czech Republic
Price EUR
Maintenance in LAC affiliate 740 CZK / hour 30 € / hour
Maintenance at the client 890 CZK / hour 36 € / hour
Maintenance at the client - only for furnace line LE, M 840 CZK / hour 34 € / hour
Maintenance at the client - PLC programmer 2 400 CZK / hour 95 € / hour
Additional charge for maintenance during public holiday 2 500 CZK / day 104 € / day
Travel allowance up to 30 km - fixed payment tariff 700 CZK -
Travel allowance over 30 km 13 CZK / km 0,65 € / km
Time spent on the way 290 CZK / hour 15 € / hour
Subsistence allowance - 50 € / day
Post-warranty more complex service support, diagnostics 2 400 CZK / hour 95 € / hour
The prices are without VAT.
The prices are charged for the first additional hour and then every 30 minutes.

Печи и сушилки>

Жаростойкий бетон>

https://www.lac.cz/ru/pechi-i-sushilki/tekhobsluzhivaniye/preyskurant-na-servisnyye-uslugi | https://www.lac.cz/ru/pechi-i-sushilki/tekhobsluzhivaniye/preyskurant-na-servisnyye-uslugi