
We specialize in linings for furnace bogies, replacing lower-quality materials with much sturdier refractory concrete. Furnace bogies have to be able to handle heavy mechanical wear and stress. Meanwhile, our technologists are focused on developing shapes in new shapes that reduce a furnace bogie’s energy demands.

For brickworks, we also supply burning aids and components for gas brickworks furnaces, such as shaped blocks for burners and for recuperation. These protect cast-iron burners or fully replace the bodies of gas burners. They are popular especially due to their long service lives.

I’m interested in shaped blocks for brickworks

+420 608 366 305 Choose a time from 8:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. We’ll reply within 24 hours.

The most common applications of shaped blocks for brickworks:

  • furnace bogie linings
  • combustion aids
  • components for gas-fired brickworks furnaces
  • shaped blocks for burners
  • shaped blocks for recuperation
Firing at up to 950°C
Over 50,000 different shapes
Over 8,300 m2 of production and storage area
Traditional hand production
We produce testing shaped blocks
Please let us know what you are looking for

Furnaces and Dryers>

Refractory Castable Shapes> |