KRS 3400/13 carousel furnace

We handed over an electric carousel furnace for annealing molds (shells) of precision casting to the important manufacturer of jet engines in the Czech Republic, the company PBS Velká Bíteš. We can really be proud of this furnace - it is one of the largest carousel furnaces produced by LAC. Its volume is 3,400 l, the working temperature is 1,250 °C, and it enables up to 12 shells to be annealed in one cycle.

The robustness of the furnace and the materials used was very important for the demanding operation of the machine shop. The furnace is assembled from a steel structure, high-quality insulation materials and refractory castable shapes with high heat accumulation, mechanical resistance and durability, made in our branch in Hrušovany nad Jevišovkou. The furnace is controlled by programmable PID control. Furthermore, the furnace is equipped with a gas post-combustion chamber for burning loose organic impurities, located on the structure above the furnace. The delivery also includes complete operating, revision and technical documentation, necessary for putting this device into operation, as well as complete installation at the customer's place, including delivery of the chimney and measurement of flue gas emissions.

Below is the PBS post in the Czech language.

Furnaces with a carousel conveyor are suitable for continuous heat treatment of parts that are placed on a table or pallet of a rotating furnace. They are suitable for both manual charging and automatic charging by a robot. These furnaces can be designed for a variety of thermal processes, from low-temperature applications in the electrical industry to high-temperature applications such as annealing ceramic molds in the foundry industry or preheating parts before forging.

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