PR: A job market crisis has replaced the financial crisis—but Czech companies are adapting successfully
3. 10. 2016
A job market crisis has replaced the financial crisis—but Czech companies are adapting successfully
During the financial crisis, companies adapted to customer requirements and began manufacturing efficient machines and facilities. Now, a job market crisis has replaced the financial crisis, and Czech companies are seeking ways to come to terms with the lack of workers.
The Czech economy is now encountering a labour shortage. As a result, companies—and above all engineering companies—have a lack of qualified and unqualified labour. Finding an employee for any position, and especially for companies situated outside of large cities, is currently rather problematic.
“We offer employees company benefits, motivating pay, and a chance for career growth so that we can stand up to hiring competition from other companies,” says HR specialist Monika Crháková of LAC’s efforts to acquire employees.
Despite this, the problems with finding employees have continued, and LAC has had to simply adapt. “Now we are focusing mainly on the company’s internal processes—simplifying and accelerating them—thanks to which we should be able to handle more work with the same number of employees, and yet not at the cost of overtime work,” notes LAC executive director Radim Ledl.
And yet actually, the most significant changes that LAC has undertaken are adjusting their furnace designs, developing new production processes, and installing industrial furnaces and dryers that primarily emphasize easy assembly and installation, thus saving manufacturing time. “Thanks to this we need less labour than in the past, enabling us to adapt to the lack of employees, and also spend more time on developing new technologies,” says Ledl of the situation.
LAC is a company with two branches. One is in Hrušovany u Brna; it manufactures industrial furnaces and dryers. The other is in Hrušovany nad Jevišovkou; it manufactures refractory castable shapes. The company currently has just under 230 employees; its turnover in 2015 was 347 million CZK, and in that same year, Comenius ranked it as one of the 100 best Czech companies.
Contact person:
Nela Patschová
Copywriter and PR Specialist
mobile: +420 739 609 087
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