Training furnace operators

Some of our customers prefer to choose the variant of maintaining their own furnaces and dryers, including doing their own repairs, even though this invalidates their warranty. Even in this case, however, we wish for our products to receive good care, and so we offer you operator trainings regarding maintenance so that your operators do not needlessly damage your facility due to lack of knowledge or incautious handling.


Topolová 933
667 01 Židlochovice
Czech Republic
+420 547 422 619

Servis našich i cizích pecí
Service of our furnaces as well as others
Reakce do 24 h v pracovních dnech
Response within 24 hours
on working days
7 členný tým
7-member team
Preventivní prohlídky
Preventive inspection
319 servisních výjezdů za rok
319 service visits per year

Furnaces and Dryers>

Refractory Castable Shapes> |