SP continuous dryers up to 150 °C

Drying glue-coated automobile parts

This type of dryer has been specially adapted for use with suspended conveyors. This is especially advantageous when you want to save space by suspending the charge or when you have no easy way of laying the charge down or propping it up.
This is a continuous dryer. The charge thus enters at one end and leaves the dryer at the other end. To minimise losses at the open ends, we can supplement this facility with sliding or winged doors that are open only for the shortest time needed when the conveyor is in motion. The furnace’s heating and circulation are provided via fan units located in the furnace ceiling. The dryer can be fitted with thermocouples or contactless temperature sensors for monitoring the charge temperature.
The dryers can be multi-zone and, just like in continuous dryers with belt conveyors, can have suspended conveyors and can have their movement coordinated with the regulation in individual zones to achieve the desired temperature profile at the charge. One option is to move the charge through the furnace using a gravity conveyor. The individual suspenders are released from the furnace at set intervals.

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Technical parameters

SP 1100/15 continuous dryer
  • Max. temperature: 150 °C
  • External dimensions (w × h × d): 1400 × 2800 × 2200 mm
  • Charge: plastic frameworks for car door fillings
  • Production capacity: 180 parts/hr
  • Input: 18 kW
  • Control system: PLC Siemens
  • Installation place and year: Czech Republic, 2008

SP 2000/15 continuous dryer
  • Max. temperature: 150 °C
  • External dimensions (w × h × d): 1500 × 2600 × 1500 mm
  • Charge: plastic frameworks for car door fillings
  • Production capacity: 270 parts/hr
  • Input: 23 kW
  • Control system: PLC Siemens
  • Installation place and year: Czech Republic, 2008

SP 5700/07 continuous dryer
  • Max. temperature: 70 °C
  • External dimensions (w × h × d): 1650 × 3100 × 6400 mm
  • Charge: plastic frameworks for car door fillings
  • Production capacity: 120 parts/hr
  • Input: 18 kW
  • Control system: PLC Siemens
  • Installation place and year: Czech Republic, 2008

SP 8800/07 continuous dryer
  • Max. temperature: 70 °C
  • External dimensions (w × h × d): 1300 × 2600 × 7100 mm
  • Charge: plastic frameworks for car door fillings
  • Production capacity: 120 parts/hr
  • Input: 18 kW
  • Control system: PLC Siemens
  • Installation place and year: Czech Republic, 2008
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https://www.lac.cz/en/furnaces-and-dryers/custom-made-furnaces/furnaces-for-the-automotive-industry/continuous-dryers-for-the-drying-of-glue-coated-au/sp-continuous-dryers | https://www.lac.cz/en/furnaces-and-dryers/custom-made-furnaces/furnaces-for-the-automotive-industry/continuous-dryers-for-the-drying-of-glue-coated-au/sp-continuous-dryers