VKTP 20000/11, VKT 18400/09 and VKTP 35000/11 bogie-hearth furnaces up to 1100 °C

Annealing of grey-iron castings - gas furnaces for heating of semi-finished products

Bogie-hearth furnaces for heating of semi-finished products, annealing of grey-iron castings can run on electricity (up to 1280 °C) and on gas (up to 1400 °C). For furnaces with operating temperatures of up to 850 °C, there is also forced circulation for ensuring transfer of heat into the charge. The furnace’s design can either be chamber or bogie-hearth chamber, with this choice usually depending on how the charge is manipulated. Thanks to their sturdy construction, these furnaces are ideal even for heavy operations.
We designed the VKTP 20000/11 furnace in particular as a gas furnace with recuperation, which saves considerable operating costs for its owner. Thanks to the placement of the burners, we have achieved a fantastically even temperature distribution in the furnace’s operational space. This device also has the indubitable advantage of being easy to operate via its touch panel and programmable PLC automated system. 
We have also supplied similar systems for annealing parts of the undercarriages of railway vehicles and other rail vehicles, and for annealing radiator and heating element components. 

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What’s great about this facility

  • This furnace has lower operating costs thanks to its gas heating with recuperation
  • Robust furnace and bogie carriage construction
  • Even temperature distribution in the operational space thanks to the burner placement
  • Easy operation via touch panel and PLC
Bogie-hearth-furnace-for-annealing-of-grey-iron-castings-VKTP-20000-11.jpg VKTP 20000/11 – bogie-hearth furnace for annealing parts for the undercarriages of railway vehicles and other rail vehicles
Bogie-hearth-furnace-for-annealing-of-grey-iron-castings-VKTP-20000-11-foto.jpg VKTP 20000/11 – bogie-hearth furnace for annealing parts for the undercarriages of railway vehicles and other rail vehicles
Bogie-hearth-furnace-for-annealing-of-grey-iron-castings-VKTP-20000-11.jpg VKTP 20000/11 – bogie-hearth furnace for annealing parts for the undercarriages of railway vehicles and other rail vehicles
Bogie-hearth-furnace-for-annealing-of-grey-iron-castings-VKTP-20000-11-foto.jpg VKTP 20000/11 – bogie-hearth furnace for annealing parts for the undercarriages of railway vehicles and other rail vehicles

Technical parameters

VKTP 20000/11
  • Internal dimensions (w × h × d): 2900 × 2600 × 4000 mm
  • Max. temperature: 1100 °C
  • Charge: Steel undercarriage parts
  • Max. charge weight: 21 tonnes
  • Burner system output: 1200 kW
  • Control system: PLC Siemens
  • Installation place and year: Belarus, 2011
We can provide you with supplementary information on the VKT 18400/09 and VKTP 35000/11 upon request.
Almost 20.000 furnaces manufactured
Our own team of maintenance technicians
25-member design team
6 custom projects per month
Testing of your specific charges

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https://www.lac.cz/en/furnaces-and-dryers/custom-made-furnaces/furnaces-for-other-heat-treatment-needs/bogie-hearth-furnace-for-annealing-of-grey-iron-ca/vktp-20000-11,-vkt-18400-09-and-vktp-35000-11-bogi | https://www.lac.cz/en/furnaces-and-dryers/custom-made-furnaces/furnaces-for-other-heat-treatment-needs/bogie-hearth-furnace-for-annealing-of-grey-iron-ca/vktp-20000-11,-vkt-18400-09-and-vktp-35000-11-bogi