Waste electrical equipment directive

We are committed to environmentally friendly behavior, which is why we bring you options for how to simply and free of charge return your old electrical equipment and batteries to customers on the domestic market. We market products that are subject to the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive (WEEE Directive), which obliges us to ensure the conditions for the take-back, processing and environmentally friendly disposal of electrical and electronic equipment. Therefore, we have concluded an agreement with the non-profit joint-stock company REMA Systém, which was established to fulfill the obligations set out in the amendment to the Waste Act. REMA Systém organizes the collection, sorting, handling and recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) in the Czech Republic and ensures the relevant activities related to the disposal of electrical and electronic waste for LAC. In accordance with the wording of the law, LAC collects a fee set by law, the so-called "recycling contribution", when putting a product into circulation. This fee is either stated separately on the sales receipt or is included in the price of the device.

Take-back of waste electrical equipment and batteries

The consumer has a crucial role in the system of handling electrical appliances and batteries. He is the one who decides what to do with the old appliance. Old and unnecessary electrical equipment and batteries do not belong in unsorted municipal waste, but on the contrary, they should be handed over to collection points, so-called take-back points, from which they are sent for reuse or recycling. The consumer must be informed by the symbols below that the relevant electrical equipment and batteries do not belong in municipal waste. All new electrical equipment and batteries are marked in this way. The symbol may be shown directly on the device, on its packaging or in the instructions for use or in the warranty card:

How to get rid of old appliances and batteries?

  • Through the publicly available collection network in your region
  • In the case of industrial electrical equipment LAC, s.r.o., arrange take-back directly with REMA www.rema.cloud
  • Through the publicly available REMA collection network, which is intended for take-back, see www.rema.cloud/sberna-mista (Czech Republic only)
  • If necessary, you can consult the free Smart Recycling line Chytré recyklace (+420 800 976 679)

Why recycle?

Not only electrical equipment, but also batteries and accumulators contain many recyclable metals such as zinc, iron, manganese, nickel, cadmium or lead. Some of these substances are also very dangerous for the environment and human health, especially mercury, lead and cadmium. By handing over batteries and electrical equipment to a collection point, especially thanks to material recycling, we save primary sources of raw materials and at the same time protect our environment from possible improper handling.

General instructions on the correct way to dispose of LAC industrial electrical equipment:

Step Common designation Size Examples of material Proper disposal
Dismantle electrical installation Electrical waste Miscellaneous Cables, connectors, electronic circuits and components, regulators, heating elements and coils Waste collection point
Dismantle furnace inner lining Insulating and refractory materials Miscellaneous Refractory bricks, insulating blocks, refractory castable shapes, fibrous insulation Waste collection point
Dismantle furnace outer shell Metal waste Miscellaneous Metal sheets Waste collection point
Cut furnace support frame Metal waste Miscellaneous Welded metal profiles Waste collection point
Sort all parts according to waste classes (steel, non-ferrous metals, cables, electrical components, plastics) and hand them over to designated companies for disposal.

REMA System Certificate


We are a Green Company

We are part of the "Green Company" project and are expanding our activities in the field of environmental protection. Our employees have the opportunity to dispose of old small electrical appliances and batteries in an ecological way through a collection box, we also dispose of all company electrical appliances in an ecological way. The initiator of the Green Company project is the company REMA Systém a.s., which organizes the collection, sorting, recycling and management of electrical waste in the Czech Republic.

710 kg of electrical equipment handed over for collection in 2023


Company Headquarters

LAC, s.r.o.

Topolová 933
667 01 Židlochovice
Czech Republic


+420 547 230 016




Company’s registered office (Invoicing Address)

LAC, s.r.o.

Topolová 933
667 01 Židlochovice
Czech Republic





Registration: Regional Court in Brno, Section C, Entry 59

Furnaces and Dryers>

Refractory Castable Shapes>

https://www.lac.cz/en/about-us/zpetny-odber-elektrozarizeni | https://www.lac.cz/en/about-us/zpetny-odber-elektrozarizeni