Spare parts

All the spare parts you need. All in one place, right from the manufacturer, in the shortest possible time.
Reduce repair times for your furnaces and dryers

We recommend purchasing a set of spare parts to speed up the maintenance response when a furnace malfunctions. This minimises downtime. The same also applies for warranty repairs. You could otherwise wait several weeks for the delivery of certain spare parts.

You’ll also considerably speed up the whole process if you tell us the serial number and the type of your furnace right at the start. You’ll find both of them on a silver plate on the back of the furnace.

Please contact us, and we’ll advise you as to which parts it pays to have on hand.


Topolová 933
667 01 Židlochovice
Czech Republic
+420 547 422 619

Servis našich i cizích pecí
Service of our furnaces as well as others
Reakce do 24 h v pracovních dnech
Response within 24 hours
on working days
7 členný tým
7-member team
Preventivní prohlídky
Preventive inspection
319 servisních výjezdů za rok
319 service visits per year

Furnaces and Dryers>

Refractory Castable Shapes> |