Measuring, testing, and thermographic analysis

Checking the Course of the Temperature Curve

It’s good to verify from time to time whether or not the thermal curve has the same course as you have set for it. Using our calibrated thermocouples, we can check the course of the temperature curve in a furnace and thus guarantee that your products truly are undergoing the desired heat treatment and achieving the expected quality. We will provide you with an understandable measurement output with a table and a graph.

Measuring the Evenness of the Temperature in a Furnace according to AMS, CQI-9, DIN i ISO

Does is seem like your furnace’s operational space no longer has the same temperature everywhere? Are you interested in knowing the minimum and maximum temperature in its operational space or the temperature on the furnace’s surface? Would you like to be sure that the furnace is working as it should, and that you are not risking damage to your charges? Have the temperature zone in your furnace re-measured. Our expert technicians will test the evenness of the temperature in your furnace and hand you the results recorded in a simple protocol, table, and graph.
We regularly arrange measurements of the evenness of the temperature in a furnace (TUS) and calibrations of a system’s precision (SAT) based on the demands of the automobile and aerospace industries.
We measure evenness of temperature based on these norms:
  • AMS 2750 E (Pyrometry)
  • CQI-9 (Special process: Assessment of heat treatment)
  • ČSN EN ISO 17663 (Welding – Requirements for heat treatment quality…)
  • DIN 17052-1 (Heat treatment furnaces, Part 1: Requirements for temperature distribution)

Thermographic Analysis

We help you to save on your energy costs. Thanks to our thermographic images of your facility, we can determine through which places in a furnace the most heat is leaking, and if any of the motors, bearings, or electrical parts are overheating. You can then have your furnace repaired or replace it with a more efficient facility. Our experienced service technicians will talk over all the possibilities with you and offer you the most beneficial solution.


Topolová 933
667 01 Židlochovice
Czech Republic
+420 547 422 619

Servis našich i cizích pecí
Service of our furnaces as well as others
Reakce do 24 h v pracovních dnech
Response within 24 hours
on working days
7 členný tým
7-member team
Preventivní prohlídky
Preventive inspection
319 servisních výjezdů za rok
319 service visits per year

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